Monday, April 6, 2009

Smarten Up


1. state or quality of being vigilant; watchfulness: Vigilance is required in the event of treachery.
2. Pathology. insomnia.

1560–70; alter. ( -ance for -ancy ) of obs. vigilancy < class="ital-inline">vigilantia; see vigilant, -ancy

1. alertness, attention, heedfulness, concern, care.

Alright well, again, due to my technologial ineptitude, I'm not really sure how to get rid of all these links above, as I copy and pasted that definition from but that's not really the point of this anyways.

The point is, that I do not stick with things.

Well that's not entirely true. I stick with some stuff. I stick with sports and movies and music. I stick with reading books. In fact I've rarely started a book I didn't finish, even if I hated it.

So why can't I stick with writing? I enjoy it. I think I'm half-decent at it. When nobody else is reading it, I write all the time.

I think I just need to get into a routine. I think whenever I realize I haven't written in awhile, I will remember that one time, I posted about vigilance. and I will be vigilant.

I realize none of this is groundbreaking stuff. I am just attempting to hold myself publicly accountable, in the hopes that it will inspire greatness or at least, consistency.

"vigilance is required in the event of treachery'

What a dire sentence. Who writes the dictionary, anyways? Do they use the words in different sentences for each volume? That would be wild.

I will now attempt to write something that is more relevant. Thanks for indulging me.

1 comment:

  1. check out "the professor and the Madman" by Simon Winchester. I came across it during a wonderful conversation with a telephonee while I was telemarketing a few years back. it's a great read, and will answer your questions about dictionaries!
